Idea Generation &
Product Layout
Product Layout
Product Design & Development
Idea Generation & Product Layout
Through developing the core competencies needed to offer customized solutions as an OEM provider, Nissha Medical Technologies has perfected a streamlined process to proving out any concept; helping our customers anticipate and prepare for unexpected changes with agility. NMT’s world class quality system ensures efficient, high quality results; from the earliest stages through project completion.
- Idea Generation and Layout
- Added Innovation and Enhancement
- Project Outline and Scheduling
- Project Enhancements to Final Product
- Cost Reduction Initiatives

Concept and feasibility stages are very important steps during design and development. Information gathered, and testing completed during concept and feasibility minimize product risk during product development and prevent unexpected test failures during design verification and validation testing. Taking time early in design and development to explore the concept and ensure that it is feasible can save costly delays due to product redesign and retesting.
After determining the purpose and requirements for the prototype, the fabrication method(s) can be determined. Criteria for fabrication method can include piece part and tooling cost/lead time, finish, dimensional accuracy, and strength of the materials.
- Concept development
- Human Factors/Usability Analysis
- Proof of Prototype
- Prototype Performance Test Report
- Stage Design Review
Nissha Medical Technologies’ Product Design & Development services offer full design control capabilities and is positioned to support the most demanding application. Development specialization includes Learning & Observation, Brainstorming and Visualization, Engineering & Development, Rapid Verification and Validation, Pilot Manufacturing, and Transfer to Scalable Production.
Cross-functional teams take the time to ensure the customer’s needs are well understood and met. A focus on design for excellence (DFX) includes process optimization and lean manufacturing initiatives early in the process to reduce waste and realize opportunities.
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Global Headquarters
400 Exchange Street. Buffalo, NY 14204
P: +1.800.893.6361
E: dm.info@nisshamedical.com
E: dm.orders@nisshamedical.com